Tower Power – My Herb Garden

I have always wanted to do my own terra cotta pot tower. My aunt gave me the idea years ago, and with the dawn of pinterest, google, and my first ever garden, I finally decided to build my own. This year my husband and I planted our own vegetable garden and I wanted to grow my own herbs. After much consideration and research, I figured one of these cool flower towers would be awesome for herbs. When I found a box full of medium and small terra cotta pots at a flea market (all for $5!!) I decided this was going to be my next project.

While at Lowe’s picking up some supplies for a water line my husband was running out to the dog kennel (no idea why he sent me as I have no clue about pc pipe and couplings), I picked up some herbs that looked pretty good and were on sale. I also picked up a green rod at k-mart to go down the middle of the pots. That night, by the glow of the four wheeler lights shining on the flower bed as I got home after dark, I assembled my tower. I used a larger pot I have had in the attic forever as my base. I stuck the rod in my flower bed where I wanted the tower. I then placed my larger pot where the rod went through the hole in the bottom of the pot. Once I filled the pot with potting mix, I put a smaller pot on the rod (through the hole in bottom of the pot) to sit on the dirt. I then added each smaller pot to reach the top of the rod. Once I had the pots how I liked them, I added potting mix and plants.

After I placed the plants in the pot, I used green paint I already had (free with a coupon!) to paint the name of the herb in each pot. Note, I painted the terra cotta pots a bronze the night before in order for the paint to dry in time.

All together, it turned out Perfect and quite easier than I expected. Plus. It smells amazing!!






